This was our first year dressing up for Halloween as a family, and I think we're hooked. A tradition has been born! When it came to brainstorming costume ideas, Andy gave me a "Let's go as the Wallachs." Noted: He was was going to need a little coaxing. The week before Halloween, we I narrowed our choices down to two favorites. The Rockford Peaches was the obvious winner considering I needed to pull together our costumes quickly, as well as provide an easy transition into costuming for my baseball loving beau. Marin was the other deciding factor. I wasn't sure what she would think about the whole baseball theme, so we had Elsa on back up. BUT, to my surprise, when she tried on her pink baseball outfit, she immediately jumped in my lap and yelled, "I WUV IT!" Well, that was easy.
On top of costume fun, this year was especially great because Marin really GOT IT, the running up to the door, saying "trick-or-treat", etc. She is sometimes shy with strangers, so I wasn't sure how she would feel about interacting with so many of them. But, she ran door-to-door with so much excitement. She spoke up. She said all her "thank yous" (well, most of them). Honestly, I could cry just thinking about all the joy and gusto on her face tonight. BUT, I'll refrain from tears this time because we all know the rule about that now don't we? ;)